Upcoming Events:
Past Events:
March 23, 2024
10-3pm (MONT 214) |
Finite Element Workshop
April 8, 2023
10-3pm (MONT 214) |
Quantum Walks on Graphs Workshop |
Wednesdays Fall 2022
12pm-1pm (MONT 214) |
Approximation Theory Reading Group |
March 26, 2022
10-4pm (MONT 214) |
Quantum Computing Workshop |
October 23, 2021 | MCC 2021 (mcc.math.uconn.edu) |
Dec. 6, 2019 at 12:20 p.m.: | SIAM Invited Talk by Dr. Misha Kilmer, the William Walker Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Tufts University, titled A New Tensor Framework – Theory and applications. There will be an American Women in Mathematics (AWM) discussion following the talk at 2:30 PM. |
Apr. 26, 2019 at 12:20 p.m.: | Special SIAM SIGMA seminar talk by Dr. Donald Sheehy (Department of Computer Science, UConn) titled How to Draw a Graph |
Feb. 9, 2019: | 2019 MATHCOUNTS Eastern Chapter competition |
Oct. 26, 2018 at 2:30 p.m.: | SIAM Invited Talk by Dr. Breno Fragomeni (Department of Animal Science, UConn)
Title: Use of genomic recursions in single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) with a large number of genotypes (slides) |
Apr. 6 and Apr. 13, 2018: | The SIAM Computer Software Workshop II. Speakers: Wenjie Wang (to learn more visit his webpage) and Reynaldo Morillo (his presentation and further materials are here). poster |
Jan. 19 and Jan. 26, 2018: | The SIAM Computer Software Workshop. Speakers: Wenjie Wang (to learn more visit his webpage) and Reynaldo Morillo (his presentation and further materials are here). poster |