Quantum Computing Workshop 2022

On March 26th, 2022, we ran the Quantum Computing Workshop with our invited key-note speaker, Gamal Mograby, from the University of Maryland. Our day began with an introduction to the notation of Quantum Computing by Thomas McGrath. Followed by a review of Probability and Linear Algebra necessary for Quantum Computing by Rachel Bailey and Anastasiia Minenkova, respectively. Then, our SIAM President, Erik Wendt, introduced us to the Quantum Fourier Transform which led up to Gamal Mograby’s talk on Graphs in Quantum Information Theory.

We would like to thank all of our speakers and attendees for a very successful and informative day. We look forward to our next workshop!

Linear Algebra and Coffee, Season 2, Episode 1

On February 16th, Erik Wendt gave a fascinating presentation introducing attendees to some of the ideas of Pseudospectral theory. He led us through the basic concepts, definitions, and foundational theorems in play in order to be able to dive deep into applications in future presentations. Thank you so much Erik.

On Wednesday, Feburary 23rd, we will pick back up with our examination of ODEs with sections 3 and 4 of chapter 1 of Kong. As always, coffee and snacks will be provided.

Spring 2022 ODE Reading Group

The new semester has started off well, and the UConn SIAM chapter has ambitious plans for the next few months. As well as a quantum computing workshop in March, with plans for talks leading up to it, and continuing the successful Linear Algebra and Coffee series to delve into pseudo-spectral theory, we have also added a biweekly Ordinary Differential Equations reading group!

This reading group is meeting on the first and third Wednesday of every month in Monteith 214 at 12:30-1:20. We are reading through A Short Course in Ordinary Differential Equations by Qingkai Kong, covering a few sections each meeting.

In our first meeting on February 9th, our Secretary Kim Savinon led a discussion on the first two sections to get started. Thank you Kim!

Next meeting, on February 23th, our (newly appointed) vice president Peter Graziano will lead discussion on some initial existence and uniqueness theorems (sections 1.3-1.4 in Kong).

Fall 2021 Recap

The fall 2021 semester brought some big changes to the SIAM chapter at UConn, starting with the election of three new officers! After a long, heated election Erik Wendt is our new president, Kimberly Savinon is our new secretary, and Alec Wendland is our new treasurer. This new group of officers dove right and created several exciting events throughout the semester.

One of the new events was the creation of Linear Algebra and Coffee, a monthly discussion group lead by Erik focusing topics in graduate linear algebra. As you may have guessed, coffee and other refreshments were also provided. Kim and Anastasiia helped co-organize the Mathematics Continued Conference at UConn, a mathematics conference for undergraduates featuring talks by representatives from various graduate mathematics organizations at UConn. On behalf of SIAM Erik gave a talk on approximation theory, and the conference as a whole was very well received.

SIAM hosted many smaller talks as well. Thanks on a large part to the organizational efforts of Kim, there was a joint SIAM  and SIGMA seminar talk about jobs in mathematics, featuring professors and industry professionals. Afterwards Dr. Andrew Miller, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Bridgewater State University and UConn alumnus, gave a SIAM seminar on his research on discrete Green’s functions arising from the finite element method. Dr. George Yin, Professor of Mathematics at UConn, also gave a SIAM seminar talk on his research in applied stochastic analysis. Thanks to both of these professors for their wonderful talks!

As you can probably tell, this past semester was full with many fantastic SIAM activities. As we move forward into Spring 2022, it is important to say how grateful we are for the hard work given by the SIAM officers and members for making this happen. There are a ton of great things planned for this spring as well. Stay tuned to hear all about them.


S.I.G.M.A SIAM Special Seminar “How to Draw a Graph” by Donald Sheehy

In his talk Donald Sheehy will discuss a classic result of Tutte from 1963 that shows an elegant connection between graph theory, physics, geometry, and linear algebra. Tutte addressed the problem of how to draw a planar graph (a collection of vertices and edges that can be drawn without crossing edges in the plane) so that every edge is a straight line and the resulting faces are all convex polygons.

With the advantage of hindsight, he will also show how this result has influenced many modern ideas in graph theory and graph drawing. Despite covering a lot of ground, the talk should be widely accessible.

From PDE to Machine Learning; From Academia to Industry.

In this S.I.G.M.A. seminar talk Ko-Shin Chen will share her experience in transferring fields and working in a multidisciplinary team. The motivation, problems faced, and online sources of skill preparation/job search/interview practice will be presented. She will also talk about the general procedure of interviews at Google/Amazon/Uber and some differences between academia and industry observed during these interviews. Questions are welcome.
This Friday, April 6, 2018 1:25 pm, in MONT 214.